Windows 10 driver

  • i just have a clean installation of windows 10 on onexplayer amd 4800u.

    where can i get the complete drivers

    i try on support pages it dont work


  • Greetings Tiok. Drivers can be found here. I too had a clean Win10 installation, but I'm being unsuccessful installing the drivers.

    ONE, do you guys offer an OS Image with preloaded drivers for the OXP AMD (mine is the 5700U version)? Or could you provide advice on how to install the drivers on both Win 10 and 11?

    On another topic, is it possible to register my unit on your website?

    Thank you for your efforts and please be safe.



  • BTW, I have tried going to Device Manager, go to for example the "Network Controller" with an admiration sign, attemped to "Update Drivers", selected "Wifi&BT../MTK../WLAN" but it won't  take them stating that "Windows Could Not Find Drivers for your Device".

    Thanks again, and be safe.


  • Hello again. After updating Windows (Currently on Win10) to the fullest, including optional updates, I started messing with the drivers and a couple actually updated. That being the GPIO, SMBus and PCI Bus drivers. Thats besides the Card Reader and all 3 audio drivers. But after all that, it still will not take the WiFi or Bluetooth drivers giving the same error "Windows Could Not Find Drivers for your Device". I even downloaded the stand alone drivers (WiFi & Bluetooth Module Diver) instead of the whole driver pack to no avail.

    Please advice.


  • Hello again. I reverted to Win11 (again) and all of the above happened the same way including the error while attempting to install WiFi and Bluetooth drivers. All I need to know is how to get WiFi and Bluetooth running again.

    I'm currently using a USB WiFi dongle as a "there, I fixed it" temporary work around. I will post again only if I ever fix it myself, but otherwise, please do get back to us.

    Be safe.


  • Took catching Covid to figure out how to fix it. Now that I have nothing better to do, I sat and tried locating info on the WiFi and BT manufacturer on the XPlayer and the web... nowhere to be found. I turned to the driver from ONEs website, and found they are Media Tech. Downloaded the generic drivers from them and Bob's your uncle. Sure the ONE drivers must be tunned some how, but everything seems to be working fine and at full speed.

    My case is 'resolved", but ONE should take a look as to why their drivers won't work.

    Please be safe.




  • @JJ GGOT hi there I also have the same problem, can you be so kind to show me where you got the ONEs bluetooth drive. Much appreciated 

  • @Vu Pham Hello Vu Pham. Looking again at the link I used then, it is not MediaTek's website. Please use this link on your own discretion.

    That being said, the driver is the MT7921, if you google it you will find drivers from different OEMs like Lenovo, Asus and Dell. I have not tried any of them, but just to let you know about those.

    Hope you can fix it, and please be safe!



  • thanks for info

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