OneXGPU Aluminium RGB Light Surrounding Sharp Edges

  • While participating in the Indiegogo campaign, I viewed some of your demo videos, and I would like to ensure that you address a specific concern. 

    It has come to my attention that the aluminum borders on the OneXGPU may potentially exhibit sharp edges, particularly around the RGB light surround. Please correct me if I'm wrong by providing a close-up photo of your unit; it would be greatly appreciated.

    Please exercise caution regarding the edges of the aluminum on the OneXGPU, as they may present potential hazards by causing cuts or scratches to anything proximity within during mobility.

    The Mi Power Bank from Xiaomi serves as an example, and I continue to use it ( Your OneXGPU possesses a similar body shell, and it is worth noting that the Mi Power Bank overlooked addressing this issue during inspection testing.

    I strongly advise and recommend that OneXGPU addresses and rectifies this concern by incorporating smoother edging before it reaches the hands of the customers, if it hasn't been done already.

    Your cooperation in providing a close-up photo of this matter on your unit would be highly appreciated.

    Sharp Edges

    Sharp edges 01

    Sharp Edges 02


  • Hi there, please refer to our latest campaign update here:  

    I hope that helps!

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